Tau vs imperial guard
Tau vs imperial guard

  • A squad of 40 Imperial Guard with Lasguns does A LOT of shooting.
  • Only to get beaten away by the Death Guard Knight and Daemon Prince. This definitely favored the Tau, but the Blood Angels with their hammernators happened to crawl up the ladder to defeat them….

    tau vs imperial guard

  • The relic that was randomly picked happened to be at the top of a VERY TALL ruin.
  • Another game that came down to the wire.
  • tau vs imperial guard

  • Jason finally ran the Poxwalkers with Typhus as a bubble and it worked wonderfully.
  • We have more photos available to view on Google Photos. Super Heavy Detachment - Renegade Imperial Knightīattalion Detachment - Cadre Fireblade, XV86 Coldstar Commander, (3) unit of five Strike team with Pulse Rifles, (1) unit of three XV8 Crisis Battlesuits, (2) XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuits, (1) unit of 10 Pathfindersīrigade Detachment (shared, keyword Imperium) - Sanguinary Priest, (2) units of five Assault Marines, (1) unit of five Assault Terminators, Land Raider Crusader, Land Raider Redeemer, Siege Dreadnoughtīrigade Detachment (shared, keyword Imperium) - Lord Commissar, Creed, (1) unit of forty Conscripts, (4) units of 10 Infantry, (1) Command Squad with 3 flamers, (1) Armored Sentinel, (1) Minostorum Priest Patrol Detachment - Typhus, Flying Nurgle Daemon Prince, (1) unit of five Plague Marines, (1) unit of ten Poxwalkers

    tau vs imperial guard

    Jason’s Death Guard and Brendan’s Tau were sitting at 105PL, while Max’s Blood Angels and Alejandro’s Astra Militarum were at 106PL Our third game of 8th edition saw our first 2v2 battle featuring the Death Guard teaming up with the greater good of the Tau to take on the Imperium forces of the Blood Angels and Astra Militarum

    Tau vs imperial guard